
Portable DnD: Basic Guide

An easier start to a wonderful game

If you’re looking for Modifier Buy, it’s here!


DnD is far too complicated, and upcoming rule patches will keep it so. The goal of the Portable system is focused on providing a simplified game, so that new players will understand the different areas of their character sheet and have a better understanding of what they are able to do.

Abilities and Skills

Your abilities affect what your character is capable of doing, as well as different aspects of your character’s areas of expertise.

Statistic Description Skills
Strength Natural athleticism, bodily power Athletics
Dexterity Physical agility, reflexes, balance, poise Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth
Constitution Health, stamina, vital force -
Intelligence Mental acuity, information recall, analytical skill Arcana, History, Nature, Religion
Wisdom Awareness, intuition, insight Animal Handling, Insight, Medicine, Perception, Survival
Charisma Confidence, eloquence, leadership Deception, Intimidation, Performance, Persuasion


In combat, you have 3 options, and you can take or skip each one on your turn.

Movement. You may move up to your walking speed

Action. You have a couple options, up to one of these can be taken per turn

Bonus Action. You have a couple more options, up to one of these can be taken per turn

Character Creation

Your character has many different ways of interacting with the world around them, and your sheet contains a lot of those options! The character creation process is listed as straightforward as possible below. It is easier to read all of the steps first and then actually go through and create your character, even for experienced players.

1. Choose a Race

In a fantasy world, there is a much greater variety to the kinds of people you can come across, each with unique abilities. Your character’s race, while aesthetic, does affect the options you have at your disposal: racial traits and abilities, damage resistances, etc. Your race also minimally affects your ability scores. Some important terminology is below:

Please reference the Character Races document when choosing.

2. Classes

Your character fits into a broad category of the special talents and tactics at their disposal, called a class. Each class is a category of play that comes with its own pros and cons. Some have access to spellcasting, better physical abilities, or even the ability to turn into animals. Some important terminology is below:

Please reference the Character Classes document.

3. Ability Scores

Please reference the Modifier Buy document.

4. Background

Please reference the Character Backgrounds document.

Leveling Up

Increase HP. Roll your class’ hit die (reroll 1s), and add it and your constitution modifier to your HP. Stat Bump. Increase a core stat modifier of your choice by one, up to +5 OR you can choose a feat. Proficiency. Increase your proficiency score by one.


  1. Character creation
  2. Increase HP
  3. Increase HP
  4. Stat Bump, Increase HP
  5. Proficiency, Increase HP
  6. Increase HP
  7. Increase HP
  8. Stat Bump, Increase HP
  9. Proficiency, Increase HP
  10. Increase HP
  11. Increase HP
  12. Stat Bump, Increase HP
  13. Proficiency, Increase HP
  14. Increase HP
  15. Increase HP
  16. Stat Bump, Increase HP
  17. Proficiency, Increase HP
  18. Increase HP
  19. Increase HP
  20. Stat Bump, Increase HP